
mbt apply

Apply repository manifest over a go template


mbt apply branch [name] --to <path>
Apply the manifest of the tip of the branch to a template. Template path should be relative to the repository root and must be available in the commit tree. Assume master if name is not specified.

mbt apply commit <commit> --to <path>
Apply the manifest of a commit to a template. Template path should be relative to the repository root and must be available in the commit tree.

mbt apply head --to <path>
Apply the manifest of current head to a template. Template path should be relative to the repository root and must be available in the commit tree.

mbt apply local --to <path>
Apply the manifest of local workspace to a template. Template path should be relative to the repository root and must be available in the workspace.

Template Helpers

Following helper functions are available when writing templates.

module <name>
Find the specified module from modules set discovered in the repo.

property <module> <name>
Find the specified property in the given module. Standard dot notation can be used to access nested properties (e.g. a.b.c).

propertyOr <module> <name> <default>
Find specified property in the given module or return the designated default value.

contains <array> <item>
Return true if the given item is present in the array.

join <array> <format> <separator>
Format each item in the array according the format specified and then join them with the specified separator.

kvplist <map>
Take a map of map[string]interface{} and return the items in the map as a list of key/value pairs sorted by the key. They can be accessed via .Key and .Value properties.

add <int> <int>
Add two integers.

sub <int> <int>
Subtract two integers.

mul <int> <int>{br} Multiply two integers.

div <int> <int>
Divide two integers.

head <array|slice>
Select the first item in an array/slice. Return "" if the input is nil or an empty array/slice.

tail <array|slice>
Select the last item in an array/slice. Return "" if the input is nil or an empty array/slice.

ishead <array> <value>
Return true if the specified value is the head of the array/slice.

istail <array> <value>
Return true if the specified value is the tail of the array/slice.

These functions can be pipelined to simplify complex template expressions. Below is an example of emitting the word “foo” when module “app-a” has the value “a” in it’s tags property.


  -h, --help         help for apply
      --out string   Output path
      --to string    Template to apply

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug       Enable debug output
      --in string   Path to repo


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 9-Jul-2018